
Washing Machine Made of Beetroot: Resourcefulness in the City

Tartu City MuseumExhibition
Time of occurrence: 24.04.2024-29.12.2024

The exhibition is open from 24.04.2024 until 29.12.2024.

At the exhibition in the Tartu City Museum, you can witness the creativity and resourcefulness that urban Soviet citizens had to possess. You can also see a home photo lab built in a small city home bathroom. The sub-exhibition is made based on the recollections of native Tartu residents or people who have had connections to Tartu, whether for a shorter or longer period.

Nothing was readily available in stores in the Soviet Union, and if it was, it was unattractive and of poor quality. Clothing, accessories, furniture, consumables, etc. often had to be crafted by the people themselves. Those who started building a house for themselves also had to face various challenges. The deficits and conflicts of needs made the people creative and thrifty.

Curators: Madle Uibo, Meeli Väljaots
Language editor: Ene Nagelmaa
Translator: Martin Jaigma
Graphic design: Piia Tammelo (LooLoo OÜ)
Exhibition design and execution: PULT EXPO
Exhibition team: Kaimo Ader, Sirje Härmas, Kaie Jeeser, Christine Karlson, Risto Lehiste, Helen Puistaja, Liisi-Reet Reinet, Marge Rennit, Andra Roosmets, Maaja Saimre, Mirjam Savisto, Ants Siim, Anna Venchakova, Joonas Õunapuu

Public events in English 

30.10.– 02.11.2024 Conference „Sustainability in Practice: DIY Repair, Reuse and Innovation“ in Estonian National Museum (Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu).  

The conference is organised by the Estonian National Museum in collaboration with the Washing Machine Made of Beetroot joint exhibition project.

It is possible to order exhibition tours in English, German and Russian. The request should be made at least two weeks in advance. 

Information and bookings: +372 746 1911;

Washing Machine Made of Beetroot

“Washing Machine Made of Beetroot: Resourcefulness in the City”, a sub-exhibition of a collaborative project “Washing Machine Made of Beetroot” between Tartu City Museum (Tartu city, Narva str 23), Estonian Road Museum (Põlva county, Varbuse) and Estonian Agricultural Museum (Tartu county, Ülenurme). It explores inventions, ingenuity, recycling and handiwork. We hope that the creative do-it-yourself tradition serves as inspiration for solving the challenges caused by today’s overabundance.

The team of the joint project “Washing Machine Made of Beetroot”

Project manager: Lauri Mei
Communication: Reti Meema
Project managers of the sub-exhibitions: Paavo Kroon (Estonian Road Museum), Ilze Salnaja-Värv (Estonian Agricultural Museum), Madle Uibo (Tartu City Museum)

The project is part of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 main programme.

The “Washing Machine Made of Beetroot” exhibition catalogue connects the stories and topics of the three sub-exhibitions. The catalogue is in Estonian and English and has many illustrations. 

A joint ticket for three sub-exhibitions of the “Washing Machine Made of Beetroot” is on sale in Piletilevi. Exhibition tickets and catalogues can also be purchased at the museum cash desk.

More information:

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