The museums recount the history of Tartu to anyone interested. All of the museums focus on different periods in the city’s history. The museum buildings and locations are of historic value and complement their fields of specialisation.

Tartu City History Museums is an umbrella organisation comprising five museums of equal importance:

  • Tartu City Museum
  • Song Festival Museum
  • KGB Cells Museum
  • Oskar Luts Home Museum
  • 19th-century Tartu Citizen’s Home Museum

Come and experience the history of Tartu through our exhibitions, tours and events!

All exhibitions
Tartu City MuseumExhibition

Meie Tartu

2 July 2024

„Meie Tartu” on näitus tartlastest ja Tartu linnaosadest. Näitus tutvustab külastajatele 17 peatüki kaudu ühe armsa linna kaleidoskoopilist olemust ja…

19th-century Tartu Citizen’s Home MuseumExhibition

Kui Emajõe Ateenast sai Pompeji. Hilda Kamdron ja Maarja kirik

19 June 2024

Tartu Linnaajaloo Muuseumide kogude väärtuslikumaid ja isenäolisemaid osi on pallaslase Hilda Kamdroni (1901–1972) looming. 27. juunist 22. septembrini avaneb võimalus…...

Tartu City MuseumExhibition

Reincarnation of Downtown. Life Before the Cultural Centre

15 April 2024

Over the centuries, the heart of Tartu has repeatedly crumbled to dust and been reborn again and again. Before the…...