
Permanent exhibition

19th-century Tartu Citizen’s Home MuseumExhibition

Visitors to the museum can get acquainted with the home of a Tartu burgher from the 1830s. The living room, dining room, master’s office bedroom, and kitchen are designed in the Biedermeier style that was prevalent at the time.

The museum offers an opportunity to take a look at the everyday life of a middle-class citizen of the past century and get to know the household of the time. Original objects set the tone in the rooms, for example, a tablet piano made by Tartu instrument maker Hasse, a cabinet clock from England that still works and a richly furnished kitchen deserves special mention. The fact that there is no electric light in the old dwellings adds to the charm of winter visits. In the summer, the museum’s yard is open, where plants that were common in this area in the 19th century grow on the herb bed.

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19th-century Tartu Citizen’s Home MuseumExhibition

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